职称:河南省特聘教授,博士生导师,河南省多酸化学重点实验室副主任。河南大学师德标兵,河南大学第五届校学术委员会委员,河南省优秀教师,河南省学术技术带头人,河南省科技创新人才杰出青年基金获得者,河南省高校科技创新人才,河南省高校科技创新团队带头人,河南省高等学校优秀共产党员,河南省高等学校青年骨干教师,河南省教育厅学术技术带头人,宝钢教育奖获得者,中国青少年科技创新奖获得者,河南省化学会第十一届理事会理事,教育部学位中心学位论文通讯评议专家,国家自然科学基金委通讯评审专家,第十二届中国青少年科技创新奖评审专家,河北、浙江、福建、安徽、江西等省自然科学基金通讯评议专家,河南省新材料产业专家库专家,《American Journal of Chemistry and Application》和《Jacobs Journal of Inorganic Chemistry》的编辑部成员。
1998.9-2002.7 河南大学 化学 本科
2002.9-2005.7 河南大学 无机化学 硕士
2005.9-2008.7 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所 无机化学 博士
2010.1-2013.1 河南大学化学博士后流动站 无机化学 博士后
2008.7-2010.10 河南大学化学化工学院 讲师
2010.10-2014.11 河南大学化学化工学院 副教授
2014.11-至今 河南大学化学化工学院 教授
2016.1-2018.9 河南大学化学化工学院 河南大学特聘教授
2018.9-至今 河南大学化学化工学院 河南省特聘教授
2012.7 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师
2015.6 河南省教育厅学术技术带头人
2015.11 河南省高校科技创新人才获得者
2016.1 河南省科技创新人才杰出青年基金获得者
2018.8 河南省优秀教师
2019.1 河南省学术技术带头人
2020.1 河南省高校科技创新团队带头人
(1) 新型多金属氧酸盐功能材料的合成与制备化学和其发光、电学、磁性、电化学识别等物理化学性能研究
(2) 孤对电子空间效应诱导的簇合物的设计合成、溶液化学行为、质子导电及细胞药物活性的研究
相关研究成果在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nano Enery, Energy Storage Mater., Nanoscale, Chem. Commun., Chem. Eur. J., Inorg. Chem., J. Mater. Chem. C, Inorg. Chem. Front., Cryst. Growth Des., Chem. Asian J., Dalton Trans.等国外知名杂志上发表学术论文140余篇。主持国家自然科学基金4项、河南省科技创新人才杰出青年基金1项、河南省高校科技创新团队支持计划1项、河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划1项和河南省科技厅、河南省教育厅自然科学基金及其它项目等共计10余项,获批国家发明专利4项。荣获河南省科技进步二等奖1项(排名第四)、河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖1项、河南省自然科学优秀论文奖一等奖3项、二等奖4项、河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖2项。
1. Kai Yang, Yuanyuan Hu, Lingyu Li, Lulu Cui, Lei He, Shuanjin Wang, Junwei Zhao,* Yu-Fei Song,* First high-nuclearity mixed-valence polyoxometalate with hierarchical interconnected Zn2+ migration channels as an advanced cathode material in aqueous zinc-ion battery, Nano Energy, 2020, 74, 104851.
2. Kai Yang, Yuxuan Ying, Lulu Cui, Jianchao Sun, Hao Luo, Yuanyuan Hu,* Junwei Zhao,* Stable aqueous Zn−Ag and Zn−polyoxometalate hybrid battery driven by successive Ag+ cation and polyoxoanion redox reactions, Energy Storage Mater. 2021, 34, 203-210.
3. Jian-Cai Liu, Qing Han, Li-Juan Chen, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Carsten Streb,* Yu-Fei Song*, Aggregation of Giant Cerium-Bismuth Tungstate Clusters into a 3D Porous Framework with High Proton Conductivity, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 8416–8420.
4. Ling Huang, Sa-Sa Wang, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Lin Cheng, Guo-Yu Yang*, Synergistic combination of multi-ZrIV cations and lacunary Keggin germanotungstates leading to a gigantic Zr24-cluster-substituted polyoxometalate, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 7637−7642.
5. Jian Zhou, Jun-Wei Zhao, Qi Wei, Jie Zhang, Guo-Yu Yang,* Two Tetra-CdII-Substituted Vanadogermanate Frameworks, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 5065−5071.
6. Xiaoqiang Du, Jinli Zhao, Jiaqi Mi, Yong Ding,* Panpan Zhou, Baochun Ma, Junwei Zhao,* Jie Song,* Efficient photocatalytic H2 evolution catalyzed by an unprecedented robust molecular semiconductor {Fe11} nanocluster without cocatalysts at neutral conditions, Nano Energy, 2015, 16, 247–255.
7. Dan Wang, Lulu Liu, Jun Jiang, Lijuan Chen*, Junwei Zhao,* Polyoxometalate-based composite materials in electrochemistry: state-of-the-art progress and future outlook, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 5705–5718.
8. Yan Zhang, Jun Jiang, Yifan Liu, Pan Li, Yong Liu, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Multi-praseodymium-and-tungsten bridging octameric tellurotungstate and its 2D honeycomb composite film for detecting estrogen, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10842–10853.
9. Hailou Li, Chen Lian, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Guo-Yu Yang,* Two unusual nanosized Nd3+-substituted selenotungstate aggregates simultaneously comprising lacunary Keggin and Dawson polyoxotungstate segments, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 16091–16101.
10. Jun-Wei Zhao,* Yan-Zhou Li, Li-Juan Chen, Guo-Yu Yang*, Research progress on polyoxometalate-based transition-metal–rare-earth heterometallic derived materials: synthetic strategies, structural overview and functional applications, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 4418–4445.
11. Hai-Lou Li, Ya-Jie Liu, Jing-Lin Liu, Li-Juan Chen, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Guo-Yu Yang,* Structural transformation from dimerization to tetramerization of serine-decorated rare-earth incorporated arsenotungstates induced by the usage of rare-earth salts, Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 2673–2689.
12. Han Xue, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Rui Pan, Bai-Feng Yang, Guo-Yu Yang,* Hong-Sheng Liu*, Diverse ligand-functionalized mixed-valent hexamanganese sandwiched silicotungstates with single-molecule magnet behavior, Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 12322-12331.
13. Xin-Xiong Li, Wei-Hui Fang, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Guo-Yu Yang,* The first 3-connected SrSi2-type 3D chiral framework constructed from {Ni6PW9} building units, Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 2315–2318.
14. Xin-Xiong Li, Wei-Hui Fang, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Guo-Yu Yang,* Hydrothermal combination of trilacunary Dawson phosphotungstates and hexanickel clusters: from an isolated cluster to a 3D framework, Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 17324–17332.
15. Xin Xu, Hailou Li, Saisai Xie, Ling Mei, Ruru Meng, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Double-oxalate−bridging tetralanthanide containing divacant Lindqvist isopolytungstates with energy transfer mechanism and luminous color adjustablility through Eu3+/Tb3+ cooping, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 648-660.
16. Xin Xu, Ruru Meng, Changtong Lu, Ling Mei, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Acetate-decorated tri-Ln(III)-containing antimonotungstates with a tetrahedral {WO4} group as a structure-directing template and their luminescence properties, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 3954−3963.
17. Dan Wang, Yamin Li, Yan Zhang, Xin Xu, Yong Liu, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Construction of Ln3+-substituted arsenotungstates modified by 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylic acid and application in selective fluorescence detection of Ba2+ in aqueous solution, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 6839-6848.
18. Huifen Hu, Jingjing Pang, Peijun Gong, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Organic−inorganic 2-D hybrid networks constructed from pyridine-4-carboxylate-decorated organotin −lanthanide heterometallic antimotungstates, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 11287-11297.
19. Jun Jiang, Lulu Liu, Guoping Liu, Dan Wang, Yan Zhang, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* An organic–inorganic hybrid cerium–encapsulated selenotungstate including three building blocks and its electrochemical detection to dopamine and paracetamol, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 15355-15364.
20. Lulu Liu, Jun Jiang, Xiaoyi Liu, Guoping Liu, Dan Wang, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* First series of mixed (PIII, SeIV)-heteroatoms oriented rare-earth embedded polyoxotungstates containing distinct building blocks, Inorg. Chem. Front. 2020, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0QI01031F.
21. Yamin Li, Hailou Li, Jun Jiang, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Three types of distinguishing L-alanine-decorated and rare-earth-incorporated arsenotungstate hybrids prepared in a facile one-step assembly strategy, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 3479–3491.
22. Yan Zhang, Yamin Li, Jingjing Pang, Yifan Liu, Pan Li, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Two penta-REIII encapsulated tetravacant Dawson selenotungstates and nanoscale derivatives and their luminescence properties, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 7078−7090.
23. Hai-Lou Li, Chen Lian, Li-Juan Chen,* Jun-Wei Zhao,* Guo-Yu Yang,* Two Ce3+-substituted selenotungstates regulated by N,N-dimethylethanolamine and dimethylamine hydrochloride, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 8442−8450.
24. Xin Xu, Yanhong Chen, Yan Zhang, Yifan Liu, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao*, Rare-earth and antimony-oxo clusters simultaneously connecting antimonotungstates comprising divacant and tetravacant Keggin fragments, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 11636−11648.
25. Jian-Cai Liu, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Yu-Fei Song*, 1-D chain tungstotellurate hybrids constructed from organic-ligand-connecting iron–lanthanide heterometal encapsulated tetrameric polyoxotungstate units, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 9706-9712.
26. Yue-Lin Wang, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Zhong Zhang, Jun-Jun Sun, Xu-Yan Li, Bai-Feng Yang, Guo-Yu Yang,* Enantiomeric polyoxometalates based on malate chirality-inducing tetra-ZrIV −substituted Keggin dimeric clusters, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 4657−4664.
27. Jing-Lin Liu, Meng-Tian Jin, Li-Juan Chen,* Jun-Wei Zhao*, First dimethyltin- functionalized rare-earth incorporated tellurotungstates consisting of {B-α-TeW7O28} and {W5O18} mixed building units, Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57, 12509–12520.
28. Yanhong Chen, Longhui Sun, Shenzhen Chang, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao*, Lanthanide nature and various coordination mode of 2-picolinic acid ligand tuning three types of rare 3d−4f heterometallic tungstoantimonates, Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57, 15079−15092
29. Qing Han, Jian-Cai Liu, Yue Wen, Li-Juan Chen,* Jun-Wei Zhao,* Guo-Yu Yang*, Tellurotungstate-based organotin−rare-earth heterometallic hybrids with four organic components, Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 7257–7269.
30. Qing Han, Yue Wen, Jian-Cai Liu, Wu Zhang, Li-Juan Chen,* Jun-Wei Zhao,* Rare-Earth-Incorporated Tellurotungstate Hybrids Functionalized by 2-Picolinic Acid Ligands: Syntheses, Structures, and Properties, Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 13228−13240.
31. Hailou Li, Yajie Liu, Rui Zheng, Lijuan Chen,* Jun-Wei Zhao,* Guo-Yu Yang*, Trigonal pyramidal {AsO2(OH)} bridging tetra-nuclear rare-earth encapsulated polyoxotungstate aggregates, Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 3881−3893.
32. Lei-Lei Li, Gao-Juan Cao, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Huan He, Bai-Feng Yang, Guo-Yu Yang*, Lanthanide germanate cluster organic frameworks based on {Ln8Ge12} clusters: from one-dimensional chains to two-dimensional layers and three-dimensional frameworks, Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 5671−5683.
33. Jiancai Liu, Jie Luo, Qing Han, Jing Cao, Lijuan Chen,* You Song,* Junwei Zhao,* Coexistence of long-range ferromagnetic ordering and spin-glass behavior observed in the first inorganic–organic hybrid 1-D oxalate-bridging nona-MnII sandwiched tungstoantimonate chain, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 2043–2055.
34. Yan Zhang, Yi-Fan Liu, Xin Xu, Li-Juan Chen*, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Preparations, structures and luminescence properties of penta-rare-earth incorporated tetra-vacant Dawson selenotungstates and their Ho3+/Tm3+ co-doped derivatives, Chem. Asian J. 2020. 15, 1156-1166.
35. Hai-Lou Li, Ya-Jie Liu, Ya-Min Li, Li-Juan Chen,* Jun-Wei Zhao,* Guo-Yu Yang*, Unprecedented Selenium and Lanthanide Simultaneously Bridging Selenotungstate Aggregates Stabilized by Four Tetra-vacant Dawson-like {Se2W14} Units, Chem. Asian J. 2018, 13, 2897–2907.
36. Pei-Jun Gong, Jing-Jing Pang, Hui-Fen Hu, Hui-Jie Li, Li-Juan Chen,* Jun-Wei Zhao*, Ligand-Controlled Assembly of Heteropolyoxomolybdates Constructed from Plenary Keggin Germanomolybdates and Cu-Ln Heterometallic Units, Chem. Asian J. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/asia.201801255.
37. Yan-Ying Li, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Qi Wei, Bai-Feng Yang,Huan He, Guo-Yu Yang*, Two organic–inorganic Hybrid 3D {P5W30}-based heteropolyoxotungstates with transition- metal/Ln–carboxylate–Ln connectors, Chem. Asian J. 2014, 9, 858–867.
38. Jun-Wei Zhao,* Hai-Lou Li, Xing Ma, Zhigang Xie,* Li-Juan Chen, Yongsheng Zhu*, Lanthanide-connecting and lone-electron-pair active trigonal-pyramidal-AsO3 inductive nanosized poly(polyoxotungstate) aggregates and their anticancer activity, Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 26406.
39. Ya-Jie Liu, Meng-Tian Jin, Li-Juan Chen*, Jun-Wei Zhao*, Recent advances in isopolyoxotungstates and their derivatives, Acta Cryst. 2018, C74, 1202–1221.
40. Yan Zhang, Dan Wang, Baoxing Zeng, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Guo-Yu Yang*, An unprecedented polyhydroxycarboxylic acid ligand bridging multi-EuIII incorporated tellurotungstate and its luminescence properties, Dalton Trans. 2020, 49, 8933–8948.
41. Xin Xu, Changtong Lu, Saisai Xie, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* A trimeric tri-Tb3+-including antimonotungstate and its Eu3+/Tb3+/Dy3+/Gd3+ codoped species with luminescence properties, Dalton Trans. 2020, 49, 12401–12410.
42. Huijie Li, Peijun Gong, Jun Jiang, Yamin Li, Jingjing Pang, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Organic–inorganic hybrids assembled from plenary Keggin-type germanotungstate units and 3d–4f heterometal clusters, Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 3730–3742.
43. Xing Ma, Hailou Li, Lijuan Chen*, Junwei Zhao*, The main progress over the past decade and future outlook on high-nuclear transition-metal substituted polyoxotungstates: from synthetic strategies, structural features to functional properties, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 4935–4960.
44. Lei-Lei Li, Rui Pan, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Bai-Feng Yang, Guo-Yu Yang*, A series of lanthanide germanate cluster organic frameworks, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 11958-11967.
45. Jiancai Liu, Jing Yu, Qing Han, Yue Wen, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* First quadruple-glycine bridging mono-lanthanide-substituted borotungstate hybrids, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 16471–16484.
46. Lijuan Chen, Fang Zhang, Xing Ma, Jie Luo, Junwei Zhao*, Two types of novel tetra-iron substituted sandwich-type arsenotungastates with supporting lanthanide pendants, Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 12598–12612.
47. Jun-Wei Zhao,* Yan-Zhou Li, Fan Ji, Jing Yuan, Li-Juan Chen, Guo-Yu Yang,* Syntheses, structures and electrochemical properties of a class of 1-D double chain polyoxotungstate hybrids [H2dap][Cu(dap)2]0.5[Cu(dap)2(H2O)][Ln(H2O)3(α- GeW11O39)]·3H2O, Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 5694–5706.
48. Jun Jiang, Jiaru Duan, Jiancai Liu, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* Lanthanide-incorporated borotungstates including Keggin-type [BW11O39]9– fragments and their luminescence properties, Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 20, 362−369.
49. Yajie Liu, Hailou Li, Changtong Lu, Peijun Gong, Xiaoyun Ma, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao*, Organocounterions-assisted and pH-controlled self-assembly of five nanoscale high-nuclear lanthanide substituted heteropolytungstates, Cryst. Growth Des. 2017, 17, 3917−3928.
50. Xiuhua Wang, Yajie Liu, Mengtian Jin, Yuxing Wu, Lijuan Chen,* Jun-Wei Zhao*, Two families of rare-earth-substituted Dawson-type monomeric and dimeric phosphotungstates functionalized by carboxylic ligands, Cryst. Growth Des. 2017, 17, 5295–530.
51. Hailou Li, Wen Yang, Xiuhua Wang, Jianru Ma, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao*, Self-assembly of a family of isopolytungstates induced by the synergistic action of lanthanoids and pH variation in the process of reaction: syntheses, structures and properties, Cryst. Growth Des. 2016, 16, 108–120.
52. Jun-Wei Zhao,*, Jing-Li Zhang, Yan-Zhou Li, Jing Cao, Li-Juan Chen*, Novel one-dimensional organic−inorganic polyoxometalate hybrids constructed from heteropolymolybdate units and copper−aminoacid complexes, Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 1467−1475.
53. Jun-Wei Zhao,* Jing Cao, Yan-Zhou Li, Jing Zhang, Li-Juan Chen,* First tungstoantimonate-based transition-metal–lanthanide heterometallic hybrids functionalized by aminoacid ligands, Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 6217-6229.
54. Junwei Zhao,* Hailou Li, Yanzhou Li, Chunyang Li, Zhenling Wang, Lijuan Chen,* Rectangle versus square oxalate-connective tetra-lanthanide cluster anchored in lacunary Lindqvist isopolytungstates: syntheses, structures and properties, Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 5495−5505.
55. Ying-Bing Lu, Fang-Mei Jian, Shuang Jin, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Yong-Rong Xie, Guo-Tian Luo, Three-dimensional extended frameworks constructed from dinuclear lanthanide(III) 1,4-naphthalenedicarboxylate units with bis(2,2'-biimidazole) templates: syntheses, structures, and magnetic and luminescent properties, Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 1684−1694.
56. Junwei Zhao,* Dongying Shi, Lijuan Chen,* Pengtao Ma, Jingping Wang, Jian Zhang,* Jingyang Niu,* Tetrahedral polyoxometalate nanoclusters with tetrameric rare-earth cores and germanotungstate vertexes, Cryst. Growth Des. 2013, 13, 4368−4377.
57. Peijun Gong, Yanyan Li, Cuiping Zhai, Jie Luo, Xuemeng Tian, Lijuan Chen*, Junwei Zhao,* Syntheses, structural characterization and photophysical properties of two series of rare-earth-isonicotinic-acid containing Waugh-type manganomolybdates, CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 834–852.
58. Jiancai Liu, Qing Han, Lijuan Chen,* Junwei Zhao,* A brief review of the crucial progress on heterometallic polyoxotungstates in the past decade, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 842–862.
59. Lijuan Chen, Jing Cao, Xinghua Li, Xing Ma, Jie Luo, Junwei Zhao*, The First purely inorganic polyoxotungstates constructed from dimeric tungstoantimonate-based iron–rare-earth heterometallic fragments, CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 5002–5013.
60. Xing Ma, Wen Yang, Lijuan Chen*, Junwei Zhao*, Significant developments on rare-earth-containing polyoxometalate chemistry: synthetic strategies, structural diversities and correlative properties, CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 8175-8197.
61. Jun Wang, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Hai-Yan Zhao, Bai-Feng Yang, Huan He, Guo-Yu Yang, Syntheses, structures and properties of two multi-iron–samarium/multi-iron substituted germanotungstates, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 252–259.
62. Hai-Yan Zhao, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Bai-Feng Yang, Huan He, Guo-Yu Yang*, A series of organic–inorganic hybrids based on lanthanide-substituted Dawson-type phosphotungstate dimers and copper–en linkers, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 2230–2238.
1. 《无机化学实验》, ISBN 978-7-122-08934-2,化学工业出版社,2010年8月,参编约6万字。
2. 《无机及分析化学》,ISBN 978-7-308-09015-3,浙江大学出版社,2011年9月,参编约7万字。
3. 《实用仪器分析教程》, ISBN 978-7-308-12144-6, 浙江大学出版社,2013年9月,副主编,约8.1万字。
1. 基于两种杂原子协同调控的新型高核稀土-多钨氧团簇材料的设计合成与性能研究(22071042), 国家自然科学基金面上项目,63万,主持,2021.1–2024.12。
2. 有机金属与稀土共嵌入的含亚族价杂原子多钨氧酸盐有机-无机复合材料的设计合成及光磁性质研究(21771052), 国家自然科学基金面上项目,65万,主持,2018.1–2021.12。
3. 多核稀土取代含As, Sb, Bi, Se, Te杂原子多钨氧酸盐纳米簇的设计合成及抗癌活性研究(21571048), 国家自然科学基金,70万,主持,2016.1–2019.12。
4. 有机-无机杂化钨氧簇基材料的制备、铁电及磁性研究(21101055),国家自然科学基金,30万,主持,2012.1–2014.12。
5. 金属氧簇功能材料(20IRTSTHN004),河南省高校科技创新团队支持计划, 河南省教育厅,100万,主持,2020.1–2021.12。
6. 有机功能配体调控的多核稀土离子嵌入的杂多钨氧簇材料的制备、结构、发光性能及发光机理研究(174100510016), 河南省科技创新人才杰出青年基金项目, 30万,主持,2017.1–2018.12。
7. 高核稀土取代多钨氧酸盐纳米簇合物的设计、制备及抗癌活性研究(16HASTIT001), 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划, 60万,主持,2016.1–2017.12。
8. 稀土-钨氧团簇材料的设计、合成和生物传感性能研究(2019YLZDYJ02), 2019年度学校一流学科培育项目:国家重大科学研究计划培育,70万,主持,2020.1–2021.12。
9. 多核稀土取代多钨氧酸盐纳米簇的设计合成及抗癌活性和机理, 河南大学医学院2019年医学交叉学科培育计划项目,5万,主持,2020.1–2020.12。
10. 多核稀土取代多钨氧酸盐纳米簇的设计合成及抗癌活性研究(20160016), 结构化学国家重点实验室科学基金, 2万,主持,2016.1–2018.12。
11. 含孤对电子杂原子的多钨氧酸盐3d-4f异金属磁性材料的设计合成和性能研究(142300410451),河南省基础与前沿技术研究计划项目,5万,主持,2014.1-2016.12。
12. 有机-无机杂化多钨氧酸盐基3d-4f异金属衍生材料的制备、铁电及磁性研究(201104392),中国博士后特别资助,10万,主持,2011.10–2013.1。
13. 无机-有机杂化钨-氧簇基铁电和磁性材料的制备与性能研究(20120013),结构化学国家重点实验室开放基金,3万,主持,2012.1–2014.12。
14. 多金属氧酸盐基3d-4f金属衍生物的合成及荧光磁性研究(20100470996),中国博士后科学基金,3万,主持,2010.8–2013.1。
15. 稀土簇与缺位多金属氧酸盐簇的组装化学及相关性能研究(092300410119),河南省科技厅自然科学基金,3万,主持,2009.1–2011.12。
16. 杂化钨氧簇基材料的制备和铁电磁性研究(2012GGJS-027),河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助项目,4万,主持,2012.10–2015.10。
17. 有机-无机杂化的过渡金属取代多钨氧酸盐的制备和磁性研究(2010B150006),河南省教育厅自然科学基金,0万,主持,2010.05–2012.12。
18. 杂多钨氧酸盐基有机-无机杂化压电材料的制备及相关性能研究(XXJC20140001),河南大学新兴交叉及特色学科培育计划,25万,主持,2014.05–2018.05。
19. 稀土簇与缺位多金属氧酸盐簇的组装化学及相关性能研究(2008YBZR010), 河南大学自然科学基金,0.5万,主持,2009.1–2010.12。
20. 多金属氧酸盐基的稀土簇荧光材料研究, 2009年河南大学大学生创新性实验计划项目,0.2万,指导,2009.6–2011.5。
21. 多金属氧酸盐基3d-4f异金属衍生物的合成及荧光磁性研究, 2012年河南大学大学生创新性实验计划项目,0.2万,指导,2012.6–2014.5。
22. 杂化钨氧簇基材料的制备、铁电及磁性研究,2013年河南大学大学生创新性实验计划项目,0.2万,指导,2013.6–2015.5。
23. 砷/锑杂原子多钨氧酸盐过渡-稀土异金属磁性材料的设计合成和性能研究,2014年河南大学大学生创新性实验计划项目,0.2万,指导,2014.6–2016.5。
24. 杂多钼氧酸盐3d-4f异金属衍生材料的设计合成及其对有机染料光降解性能研究, 2015年河南大学大学生创新性实验计划项目(同时为2015年地方高校国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目),0.3万,指导,2015.6–2017.5。
25. 有机-无机杂化多核稀土离子嵌入的多钨氧簇材料的设计、合成和荧光性能研究,2016年河南大学大学生创新性实验计划项目(同时为2016年地方高校国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目),0.3万,指导,2016.6–2018.5。
26. 有机金属与稀土共嵌入多钨氧酸盐有机-无机复合材料的设计合成及光磁性质研究,2017年河南大学大学生创新性实验计划项目,0.2万,指导,2017.6–2019.5。
27. 有机–无机高核稀土取代杂多钨氧酸盐材料的合成、结构和发光性能及机理研究,2018年河南大学大学生创新性实验计划项目(同时为2018年地方高校国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目),0.3万,指导,2018.6–2019.5。
28. 杂多钒酸盐的结构、合成及其在锌离子电池的电化学性能研究,2019年河南大学大学生创新性实验计划项目(同时为2019年地方高校国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目),2万,指导,2019.6-2020.6。
29. 多钨氧酸盐过渡-稀土异金属簇聚物和框架材料的合成及其电化学生物传感性能研究,2020年河南大学大学生创新性实验计划项目(同时为2020年河南省大学生创新创业训练计划项目),1万,参与指导,2020.6-2021.6
1. 钨/钼氧簇分子基功能材料结构设计及性能调控, 河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖,排名第一,2018年5月。
2. 基于丰产元素钨/钒基功能材料的制备和性能,河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖,排名第一,2019年5月。
2. 多酸稀土衍生物的合成、结构及性质研究,河南省科学技术进步二等奖,排名第四,2016年12月。
3. Combination between lacunary polyoxometalates and high-nuclear transition metal clusters under hydrothermal conditions: first (3,6)-connected framework constructed from sandwich-type polyoxometalate building blocks containing a novel {Cu8} cluster,河南省第十届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,排名第一,2010年4月。
4. Two-dimensional extended (4,4)-topological network constructed from tetra-NiII- substituted sandwich-type Keggin polyoxometalate building blocks and NiII-organic cation bridges,河南省第十届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,排名第一,2010年4月。
5. Hydrothermal syntheses, crystal structures and properties of 0-D, 1-D and 2-D organic–inorganic hybrid borotungstates constructed from Keggin-type heteropolyanion [α-BW12O40]5-,河南省首届自然科学学术奖—河南省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,排名第一,2011年9月。
6. A combination of lacunary polyoxometalates and high-nuclear transition-metal clusters under hydrothermal conditions. Part II: From double cluster, dimer, and tetramer to three-dimensional frameworks,河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖,排名第一,2010年6月。
7. Combination of lacunary polyoxometalates and high-nuclear transition-metal clusters under hydrothermal conditions: first 65·8 CdSO4-type 3-D framework built by hexa-CuII sandwiched polyoxotungstates,河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖,排名第一,2012年6月。
8. Combination of lacunary polyoxometalates and high-nuclear transition-metal clusters under hydrothermal conditions. 5. A novel tetrameric cluster of [{FeIIFeIII12(μ3-OH)12 (μ4-PO4)4} (B-α-PW9O34)4]22-, 河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖,排名第一,2012年6月。
9. Novel polyoxometalate hybrids containing copper-lanthanide heterometallic germanotungstate / lanthanide-germanotungstate fragments,河南省第二届自然科学学术奖—河南省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,排名第一,2013年12月。
10. Two 1-D multi-nickel substituted arsenotungstate aggregates,河南省第二届自然科学学术奖—河南省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,排名第一,2013年12月。
11. Two organic–inorganic hybrid 1-D and 3-D polyoxotungstates constructed from hexa-CuII substituted sandwich-type arsenotungstate units,河南省第二届自然科学学术奖—河南省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,排名第一,2013年12月。
12. Tetrahedral Polyoxometalate Nanoclusters with Tetrameric Rare-Earth Cores and Germanotungstate Vertexes, 河南省第三届自然科学学术奖—河南省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,排名第一,2015年12月。
13. Rectangle versus Square Oxalate- Connective Tetralanthanide Cluster Anchored in Lacunary Lindqvist Isopolytungstates: Syntheses, Structures, and Properties,河南省第三届自然科学学术奖—河南省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,排名第一,2015年12月。
14. Lanthanide-Connecting and Lone-Electron-Pair Active Trigonal-Pyramidal-AsO3 Inducing Nanosized Poly(polyoxotungstate)Aggregates and Their Anticancer Activities, 河南省第四届自然科学学术奖—河南省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,排名第一,2018年1月。
15. 赵俊伟,刘勇,陈利娟,罗婕,史岽瑛,牛景杨,王敬平,有机-无机杂化过渡-稀土异金属取代锗钨酸盐晶态储氢材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 2012 1 0423422.0, 专利申请日,2012年10月30日,授权公告日,2014年4月16日,证书号:1388525。
16. 赵俊伟,李明雪,陈利娟,李彦克,张丽枝,二(2-乙酰吡嗪基)硫代缩二氨基脲及其铋(III)配合物的制备方法及和应用,专利号:ZL 2012 1 0493229.4,中国发明专利, 专利申请日,2012年11月28日,授权公告日,2014年09月28日,证书号:1489208。
17. 翟翠萍,赵俊伟,刘学军,陈利娟,罗婕,巩培军,李岩岩,一种镝-异烟酸包含的Waugh锰钼酸盐及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利, 专利号,ZL 2016 1 0641621.7,专利申请日:2016年8月8日,授权公告日:2018年2月16日, 证书号:2819692。
18. 李明雪,陈利娟,罗婕,赵俊伟,刘建彩,张芳,铜-铕异金属取代砷酸盐及其制备方法和应用,专利申请日:2015年1月23日,专利授权日:2016年4月27日,专利号,ZL 2015 1 0035099. 3. 证书号:2047539。
19. 陈利娟,罗婕,马鹏涛,赵俊伟,谢志刚,马杏,李海楼,一种十核铽取代砷钨氧酸盐纳米簇合物及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利, 专利号,ZL 2015 1 0787718. 4,专利申请日:2015年11月17日,授权公告日:2017年12月1日, 证书号:2723239。
20. 赵俊伟,陈利娟,刘建彩,一种铋钨酸盐纳米簇合物及其制备方法与应用,中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 2017 1 0711519.4,专利申请日,2017年8月18日,授权公告日,2018年12月28日,证书号:3197492。
21. 赵俊伟,罗婕,陈利娟,刘建彩,曹静,刘雅洁,具有自旋玻璃行为的铁磁性有机-无机杂化九核锰取代的夹心型锑钨氧酸盐、制备及应用,中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 2016 1 0691831.7,专利申请日,2016年8月19日,授权公告日,2019年1月4日,证书号:3204699。
22. 赵俊伟,陈利娟,陈艳红,孙龙辉,具有能量转移的芳香羧酸修饰的过渡稀土异金属嵌入的锑钨氧酸盐材料、制备方法及应用,中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 2018 1 0932965.2,专利申请日,2018年8月16日,授权公告日,2020年9月1日,证书号:3964442。
23. 赵俊伟,陈利娟,刘敬琳,金梦添,一种二甲基锡功能化且包含多酸混合构筑块铒嵌入碲钨酸盐材料基其制备方法与应用,中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL 2018 1 0686236.3,专利申请日,2018年6月28日,授权公告日,2020年10月02日,证书号:4015576。